A few weeks ago we attempted a Line of Sight (LoS) range test for our LoRa transmitters and receivers but we soon ran out of LoS range (see https://www.mesh-net.co.uk/lora-range-tests/). As it is difficult to find several kilometers of LoS in London, we headed to the...
Not quite Line of Sight Test (869 Mhz LoRa) What started off as a Line of Sight (LoS) range test for our LoRa transmitters, soon became not quite LoS as we ran out of room. So we decided to keep on going… Through bushes – LoRa signal getting through...
Bluetooth technology now supports mesh networking, unleashing the incredible potential of many-to-many communications. With Bluetooth mesh, tens, hundreds, or even thousands of devices can now connect to automate homes and businesses, create wireless sensor networks...
As the name implies, the term Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) is commonly used when your utility meters are read without any user intervention. Traditionally, meter reading required (and still common) personnel to walk to the meters and record the readings off the dials...