Papers and news from the industry
We are helping you stay informedMesh-Net’s goods-in-transit wireless tracking in the news
Mesh-Net’s Wireless Fleet Management System developed for logistics security company, SecureSeal, has been featured on Warehousing & Logistics International. Read the full article here:...
A Snap-Shot of Smart Metering
Smart Metering today is one of the most common words in the world of Metering. With the development in technology and availability of numerous chipsets for various functions, it is making true smart metering a reality. To understand the status of the industry, we...
Wireless Automatic Meter Reading
As the name implies, the term Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) is commonly used when your utility meters are read without any user intervention. Traditionally, meter reading required (and still common) personnel to walk to the meters and record the readings off the dials...
Intelligent Street Lighting Systems
A smart (or intelligent) street lighting system incorporates a network of street lamps that communicate with each other and provide consumption data to a local data concentrator. The data concentrator manages the network and collects the consumption data from the...